About Us
muronの代表者はmiura@muronです。私たちは、世界中のアンダーグラウンドな音楽文化とミニマルテクノが交流できると考えています。ディープハウスやダブ、ジャズやチルアウト、アンビエント、ノイズを歓迎します。miura@muron is a boss of muron. We want to exchange all over the world and a variety of underground music cultures and minimaltechnomusic. deep house , dub , jazz , ambient , chillout , noise , and Primitive grooves welcomed.
name: miura@muron
noRum , LIFE FORM , LOGIC a.k.a.
style: minimal , techno , deep house , dub.
仙台市が活動拠点のミニマルテクノDJ。1992年よりDJ活動を開始。1995年頃からJUN KONNOと共にCLUBシャパニのレギュラーイベントで務める。1996年にLIFEFROM、1997年にミニマルテクノ専門のレギュラーイベントLOGIC(仙台SQUALL, CLUBADD)を創設。2002年より育児のためDJ活動を停止したが、その間に完全ヴァイナル主義からCDJ、 PCDJ、アナログレコード混合スタイルに転向。2007年よりDJプロジェクト「muron(rec)」を運営。2016年より「noRum」を運営。Minimal techno Event "LIFEFROM" and "LOGIC" organized of sendai japan since 1992-2001(at underground of Northeast clubs) According to child‐care leave 2002-, Thereafter miura@muron out of action All night Club Gig.From 90's, although it has been an Analog vinyl and turntable user for a long time. switched from 2007 to CDJ , PCDJ , vinyl mix style. Composer of the original track is one take recording by analog synthesizer .project"muron(rec)" since 2007."noRum"since 2016.
official: this site admin.
facebook: miura muron
fb page: muron
soundcloud: miura@muron
noRum: noRum
contact here: e-mail
name: shunnichi
style: minimal , click , techno .
Turntablist of three mix style mainly composed of minimal and click techno. Member of VJ and image performer TECHNOVISION.BOSS of event & analog record label "fonart".
official: fonart
name: jo2
chapmans , exithippies a.k.a.
style: house , Tech house , techno , hardcore , noise.
アナーキストでミュージシャン。彼のクールなライフスタイルは一部のアンダーグラウンドなクラブキッズに大きな影響を与えている。chapmans , exithippiesの主催者。
Anarchist .musician. Club kids influenced by his cool lifestyle are abundant. BOSS of "chapmans , exithippies".
official: new smell
fb page: exithippies
name: takaaki itoh
wols , caicomusic , WARSAW(clubADD) a.k.a.
style: techno.
Techno creator in eminent Japan. There are results of DJ and a live tour in the EP release that exceeds 50 and the city where 19 countries 100 in the world are exceeded. BOSS of Label "Wols".
name: kohta takahashi
LOGIC , Lo(clubADD) a.k.a.
style: minimal , click , techno.
It is resident DJ of the event "Lo" of succession and CLUBADD as for the spirit of LOGIC that miura@muron founded. Very stoic minimal techno style.
face book: kohta takahashi
name:Ray Otaki
chapmans , exithippies ,tron , Number Of Ears a.k.a.
style: ambient , chill out , hardcore , noise.
Member of the hardcore noise band "Exithippies" . anarchist. Creator of Ambient music. The boss of Tron Record.
fb page: Tron Record | exithippies
style:Experimental , Amalgamation of Electronic music.
He is electric music creator Moglahals who serves as TECHNOMUSICPATY regular DJ of Sendai CLUBADD such as LOGIC and Lo. Music is released from ICASEA
face book:naofumi sato
Live and DJ setting
miura@muron は Traktor(Native Insturments) を使用したラップトップDJスタイル。2005年頃、15年以上慣れ親しんだアナログターンテーブルからパソコンへ移行した。takaaki itoh は Live(Ableton) + Traktor(Native Insturments) を組み合わせたライブアンドDJスタイル。shunnichiは生粋のターンテーブリストで3枚使い。jo2はあらゆるソースでプレイし、ノイズギターも弾く。
miura@muron is laptop DJ style using Traktor(Native Insturments) now.From 90's, although it has been an Analog turntable user for a long time. switched from 2005 to PCDDJstyle. Takaaki itoh is Live(Ableton) + A live improvisation and DJ style that combines Traktor(Native Insturments).Shunnichi is a 3turntablist of genuine.Jo2 is played in all sources, and the noise guitar is played.